Image of God and Human

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What does the Bible mean when it says that human beings were created in God's image and likeness?
When you read the text itself in Genesis it says that he made them in his image; male and female created he them. So, there's something about the male and female relationship itself, or being made as humans in need of another—a complementing other for the fullness of our own humanity; that we've been made for relationship with other—that whatever the image of God theology is, it certainly is not less than an understanding that we've been made for relationship with others, as that reflects the very character of God's own triune being.

Answer by Dr. Mark Gignilliat

Mark Gignilliat is the Associate Professor of Divinity Old Testament at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama and has published articles in Scottish Journal of Theology, Horizons in Biblical Theology, Westminster Theological Journal, Biblica, The Journal for Theological Interpretation, Zeitschrift fr die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, and International Journal of Systematic Theology.